Talkspace Go Available for ADA Members

Access self-directed therapy tools, live workshops and more as part of membership. Start your journey to better mental health today!

Welcome to the Erie County Dental Association

As Erie County’s professional association for dentists, the ECDA works diligently to enhance the oral health care environment. We are here to serve our members, patients, and our partners in oral health care, through advocacy, a variety of resources, and fostering collaboration.

Members of the public can look here for information on low cost dental care, general oral health care, dental careers, or finding a dentist close to where you live, ECDA is here to serve you. When you visit a member dentist, you should take comfort in the fact that your dentist has made a commitment to uphold the higher ethical standards, practice values, and mission of the ADA, PDA, Ninth District and the Erie County Dental Association.

Members and nonmembers alike can access our calendar to see what events are coming in the future. Above all, ECDA encourages you to explore our site, take advantage of our invaluable resources, and see why we think Erie is a great place to live, work, and practice dentistry!

For more information regarding the Erie County Dental Association, contact us.
Bill Trice seated at banquet table
Stephen T Radack, III, DMD and Andrew J Kwasny, DMD with service awards

Erie County Dental Association Officers

President: Dr. Aaron Merski
Vice President: Dr. Michael Moore
Secretary/Treasurer: Vacant
Immediate Past President: Dr. Jacqueline Tuthill
PDA Trustee: Dr. Marian Wolford


Erie County Dental Association Summer Social
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Erie Yacht Club.

Future Meeting Dates